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46 Movie Reviews

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This is one nice flash. The animations are great, as is the art, it's got a cool storyline, however it doesn't suit Runescape! Runescape is just a simple game where immature kids fight and get high stats to boost their ego, not for glory. If it was a unique flash rather than Runescape it would have been cooler (even though I can't rate higher than 10. :p)

I couldn't ask for a better flash.

Much better than my crappy Flashscape, I need some of your skill. The graphics were good, the humour was great, nice fps so it wasn't choppy animation, I just loved it.


I can so relate to the first seen... I spent like the whole damn race in first then a banana will appear out of nowhere and I'll be like 7th.

BurningBunnies responds:

Yeah, mario kart can be frustrating at times, especially that annoying blue shell! Grr, hate it! Thanks for reviewing! ^^


The intro was pretty much the submission itself.

It's not a movie.

It's a preview. As good as it looks, I never allow previews in.

iPWNd responds:

Ah, so you're basing your betty ratings on what TYPE of movie it is. Shamefull. Oh, by the way. It did get in.

If you make a clan copying clocks.

At least buy a .com or something. Or .net, .tk? That's cheap dude.

8BallrockRR responds:

When we get 80 members im buying a .com

I review bad back...

I didn't COPY it.... I just used the same idea. Plus I haven't actually seen your series until now. The login is similar, but I did not copy you. And mine has a better score anyway, without a super fancy log in like yours.

The login was to do with my title. Because it's called FlashScape, I used the runescape login, or something similar, as the start of my movie. So did you. Because yours was NoobScape. I could just say you copied runescape? But no, you used the idea, like I did. And don't say mines shit, as I said before, I have a better score.

Making a new movie...


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